Some of you may have met me at the British Fly Fair International or other UK shows, or maybe , at The Fly Dressers’ Guild evenings, or perhaps at a European or American fly show. Others of you may have fished with or against me on the riverbank, lakeside or more likely in a boat during the “Loch Style” competition season or a Major Clubs event.

I’ve been fishing for as long as I can remember and fly fishing for over 35 years. The world of fly fishing fascinates me, and as family and friends will testify, I’ll take every opportunity to fish for trout, salmon or other species, on rivers, lakes, reservoirs, or the sea, in the UK or other parts of the world …

I am a current Level 2 coach in Game and Coarse fishing, both with the Angling trust and the Professional Anglers Association coach. This means I am fully insured and licensed to coach all ages and am available for individual group or corporate sessions. All sessions are fully risk assessed and safe for all ages.

Fly tying was a logical progression from fly fishing, so I started tying flies almost as soon as I began to fly fish, I really enjoy the challenge of developing and tying new patterns, and then making sure they work. As a level 2 Fly tying instructor I run fly tying classes in the winter as well as doing demonstrations for Fly tying Clubs and of course attending the main fly fishing shows.

I regularly compete on the local coarse match circuit. I have also been coaching children from a local Pupil Referral Unit, including several with special needs, in the art of coarse fishing. I firmly believe that starting a child fishing with small fish and then working up to the larger species before attempting the more difficult disciplines (like fly casting) is the way to go.

I am a member of several Fly fishing related “Pro Teams” including Whiting farms who produce the best quality feathers anywhere on the planet and Partridge Hooks, the British run company that produce a range of traditional and new patterns for fly tyers. As part of my continued development, I have completed the Orvis-endorsed fly fishing guides course at Clearwater Lodge in California, USA.

If you would like some coaching or advice, please get in touch:

Contact me on:

Phone number
From the UK: 01932 341 043
From abroad: +44 1932 341 043

E-mail address

Or using the form below:

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