The Coq de León is well known to fly tiers as a bird that produces wonderfully stiff, well marked feathers that are mainly used for the tails of fine dry flies. This book will extend your knowledge of these feathers, the birds and the traditions surrounding their breeding and unique qualities. If that isn’t enough there are several step by step patterns demonstrating the traditional use of the feathers of the Gallo de León (the correct Spanish name for the bird)
The author is a passionate angler from Asturias on the North coast of Spain, who has conducted painstaking research into the mysterious world of the breeders and extracted a few of their secrets. He has also researched and uncovered old patterns devised to use this feather in its entirety.
This book has been translated from Spanish and apart from an occasional awkward phrase, it is a very well done piece of work. Despite finishing the book in 2007 the author held off publication until he was satisfied that nothing else could be improved.
The high quality of the paper enhances the beautiful illustrations of the birds and their feathers, the rivers of the region and of course the clear step by step photographs of the construction of the various patterns.
With a limited edition of only 500 copies, and a very reasonable price of €38.00 plus postage this is destined to become a collector’s item and a must have for all feather enthusiasts.
Contact the author at the website above to order your copy.