Hook:- Scorpion Long Shank nymph, size 8 to 14
Silk :- Black 6/0
Tail :- Two white goose biots tied in back to back to form a V shape
Body:- Peacock herl, 3 strands wrapped over lead wire underbody
Rib:- Fine silver tinsel or wire
Wing cases:- Two white goose biots tied flat across back of fly in V shape
Hackle :- Genetic silver badger , henny cock or hen or similar pale hackle
Tying Method
( 1 ) Start by winding about 8 turns of lead wire on the hook. I always wind the lead so that the rearmost turn is going in the same direction as my tying thread when I’m wrapping the body. This ensures your thread catches and holds down the lead wire.
( 2 ) Cover the lead and hook shank with silk. Try to taper the silk so that the edge between lead and shank is not so evident. This will improve the look of your body.
( 5 ) Take three strands of peacock herl, reverse one of them and then clip about one inch off the end with two tips. Tie in by this end and wind a neat body to just short of the eye. Ensure you gradually taper the body to hide the step between lead and hook shank.
( 7 ) Tie in 2 more goose biots on the top of the hook so that they lie flat across the back extending sideways in a V shape. Make them about half the length of the hook shank.
( 8 ) Tie in and wind a soft hackle. I like Whiting black laced hen or a soft silver badger saddle hackle. About two turns is plenty. Do not use an over large feather as it will mask the biot “wings” which probably doesn’t matter but doesn’t look as sexy. Whip finish and varnish the head.